Tukea rekrytointeihin
Tuet rekrytointeihin
- Lappeenrannan kaupungin yrityslisä
- Uraseteli / Career Voucher
- International Voucher
- Nuorten kesätyösetelit
- Duunisetelit
- Muut tuet
Lappeenrannan kaupungin yrityslisä
Lappeenrannan kaupunki tarjoaa yrityksille Lappeenranta-yrityslisän. Yrityslisän tavoitteena on vahvistaa työttömän työnhakijan työelämään siirtymistä ja ehkäistä yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävää työttömyyttä.
Yrityslisä on harkinnanvarainen, määrärahasidonnainen erillispalkkio yrityksille siitä, että yritys työllistää vaikeassa työmarkkina-asemassa olevan henkilön. Yrityslisää tullaan kehittämään yritysten ja toimijoiden kanssa yhteistyössä saatujen kokemusten pohjalta.
Uraseteli on Lappeenrannan kaupungin oma tukimuoto lappeenrantalaisille yrityksille yliopistossa tai ammattikorkeakoulussa (LUT ja LAB) opiskelevan opiskelijan palkkaamiseen. Tuen tarkoituksena on tukea opiskelijoiden työllistymistä alueemme yrityksiin ja parantaa yritysten toimintaedellytyksiä.
Lappeenrannan kaupunki maksaa opiskelijan työllistämisestä yritykselle 2000 euroa kertakorvauksena.
In English
International Voucher
The International Voucher is City of Lappeenranta's own form of discretionary support for companies in Lappeenranta for hiring students studying at LUT University and LAB University of Applied Sciences.
Aim is to facilitate students' transition to working life in Lappeenranta and to encourage companies to hire future international talents.
Benefits for the employer
- The company gets the opportunity to get to know the expert of the future and gains access to up-to-date information and fresh perspectives provided by the student, as well as the student's work input.
- The company has the opportunity to secure an expert for the company's future needs.
- The City of Lappeenranta pays the company 3000€ as a lump sum for employing an international student.
Benefits for students
- Opportunity to find a job in Lappeenranta.
- Ability to utilize their education and ongoing studies in the company.
- Opportunity to advance studies with a suitable job
- Get the opportunity to grow with the company and make a career in a field that matches their education.
Criteria for granting an international voucher
- The student is of foreign background
- The job is new to the employee, and the student to be employed is either a student enrolled at LUT University or LAB University of Applied Sciences.
- The work tasks offered correspond to the student's education.
- The employer has hired an employee for the tasks of its own
- The employer has a Finnish business identity code and an office in Lappeenranta, and the employee works in Lappeenranta.
- The employer has no obstacles to employment (e.g., lay-offs).
- The employer pays the student a salary at least equal to the minimum wage in the field
- The employment relationship shall be concluded for at least:
- two (2) months with full working hours in the industry, or
- three (3) months with weekly working hours of at least 18 hours/week, or
- long-term working alongside studies, with weekly working time of at least 7.5 hours.
The employer can be a company, foundation, organization, or association
If you are interested in an international voucher, follow these steps
The employer recruits a person studying at LUT University or LAB University of Applied Sciences in the manner it deems best, however, in compliance with valid collective agreements.
When a company has signed an employment contract with an employee, the student can apply for an international voucher from the City of Lappeenranta by filling in the appropriate form. If the employment contract is based on an international voucher, we recommend that the employment contract be conditional.
The employer and the employee receive an electronic notification of the accepted voucher.
The employer bills the voucher from the City of Lappeenranta.
Support provided by municipalities to enterprises is considered public support to enterprises and is therefore subject to the EU de minimis regulation. The international voucher can be interpreted as "de minimis aid," but the employer must take the international voucher into account when monitoring public support.
Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received. There is a limited number of vouchers available. The voucher can be used once for the same company and the same employee. International vouchers will be distributed until the funds earmarked for them have been used.
For more information about the International Voucher, please contact:
Salla Peltonen, Business Services