
Notification of suspected health hazard

Suspected health hazards must be reported primarily to the owner or holder of the premises. The suspicion may concern e.g. indoor air, cleanliness or temperature.

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If a person carrying on a trade is located in another country within the European Economic Area and provides services in Finland on a temporary basis, they are subject to the same obligations as a trader established in Finland.


Suspected health hazards may concern indoor air, cleanliness, temperature, humidity, light and noise in apartments or other facilities. Such facilities include schools, day-care centres, sheltered houses, swimming pools, gyms and beauty clinics.

Notify primarily the owner or holder of the premises in question of suspected health hazards. With regard to housing, you can also report a suspected health hazard to the housing company or housing manager.

If the owner or holder of the premises does not take your notification into account, or if you disagree about the necessary measures, you can submit a notification to the health protection authority in your municipality.

If a suspected health hazard is related to your own food sector company, submit a notification in the ilppa notification service.

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The service is free of charge.

Service background and legislation

Suspected health hazards may concern indoor air, cleanliness, temperature, humidity, light and noise in apartments or other facilities. Such facilities include schools, day-care centres, sheltered houses, swimming pools, gyms and beauty clinics.

Suspected health hazards must always be reported primarily to the owner or holder of the premises. If the owner or holder of the premises does not take your notification into account, or if you disagree about the necessary measures, the notification must be submitted to the health protection authority of the municipality in which the premises are located.

Anyone can submit a notification of suspected health hazard.

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