
Contact us

Staff contact information

Hanna Anttonen
Advisor, business services
tel. 040 865 5576

Noora Hakkarainen
Greenreality Network, Innovation issues
tel. 040 356 3142

Terhi Jantunen
Advisor, Circular Economy, International projects
tel. 040 530 5958

Heidi Käyhkö
Greenreality Network, Innovation related cooperation,  Ecosystem contract
tel. 040 610 9057

Sanna Laukkanen
Greenreality Network, Network and communications 
tel. 050 532 6187

Helena Laitinen
Advisor, invest in, communications 
tel. 045 602 0140

Marja Mustapää
Advisor, business services
tel. 040 188 2865

Eeva Pihlajaniemi
Head of the Business service team
tel. 044 052 3056

Jukka Roilas
Advisor, business services/procurement 
tel. 040 631 4526

Antti Tuomaala
Advisor, business services and traveling
tel. 040 065 8203

Other staff

Marja Eskman
Project manager
tel. 040 768 3113

Essi Nikku
Marketing and communications assistant 
tel. 040 630 7557

Salla Peltonen
Coordinator, Work force
Tel. 040 652 8687

Leena Verho
Administrative coordinator
tel. 050 055 3545

Johanna Väyrynen
Manager, Business services 
tel. 040 522 0856