Adapted physical activity
Adapted physical activity groups are intended for people who have difficulties participating in ordinary exercise forms or groups due to disability, illness, limited functional capacity or challenges concerning social situation. In the adapted physical activity groups adjustment and special expertise is available.
In Lappeenranta, the activities are offered by the City Sports Department , sports clubs and organisations for people with disabilities. Come along!
The criteria for issuing a swimming and gym card for special groups can be found on the page Swimming and gym card for special groups.
Adapted exercise counselling
Lappeenranta offers adapted exercise counselling. Adapted exercise counselling is free of charge and aimed at municipal residents who exercise little or not at all and whose exercise requires adaptation. In adapted exercise counselling, the special sports instructor acts as the exercise counsellor.
Contact by phone on +358 400 157 514 or email at
More information on exercise counselling is available on the Exercise counselling page.
Adapted physical activities Spring Season 2025
The Program for January 7th-May 24th *)
*) No classes during the school holidays February 24th-March 3rd
More information or +358 40 631 7428.
For registration and fees ask special sports instructor: tel. +358 400 157 514 or
More information about the groups can be found on the Class descriptions for adapted physical activity page.
New Service! Mobility aids to be borrowed
Wheelchair skis
WheelBlades wheelchair chair skis can be borrowed from the main library in Lappeenranta or Joutseno library:
Pyörätuolisukset Lappeenrannan pääkirjasto
Pyörätuolisukset Joutsenon kirjasto
WheelBlades are to be attached to the small former wheels of a manual wheelchair. Please note! Not suitable for electrical wheelchairs.
The wheelchair skis can be used on a rather solid, not too soft ground.,
Snow Comfort sleigh
The sleigh can be used on snow and ice, amd while getting down small hills. Weight limit 90 kg.
With the sleigh you can rent a Stabilo-pillow to support the posture..
The rent for one week is 10€ . Rentals: SnowComfort-kelkan vuokraus
Please note. All equipment is to be used on your own risk. It´s important to read the instructions well in advance .
For questions please contact Jenni Lehti, p. 0400 157 514,
Zitzi Zlider -skating and skiing sledge
The Zitzi Zlider -skating sledge has skate blades underneath. The sledge can be adjusted for users of different size and weight.
In the future the sledge can be transformed to be used for skiing aswell.
The sledge is to be borrowed and used for free during public skating hours on Kisapuisto artifical icerink
You need to bring your own helmet. Please contact the staff in advance p. 040 5952078.
For more information Zitzi zlider luistelu- ja hiihtokelkka
For questions please contact Jenni Lehti, p. 0400 157 514,
Lajitivoli-Adapted Sports Try outs
This "Lajitivoli"- try outs for different kinds of sports are organized in in cooperation with local sportsclubs.
Primary school aged children with special needs are welcome.
Each month offers a possibility to try a new kind of sport,
The fee is 10€/month, It is possible to register only for one month or for the whole season,
Please register here
Wednesdays at 6-7 pm (22.1. & 29.1., 5.2., 12.2. & 19.2. )
Floorball in cooperation with SaiPa Floorball club
Voisalmi school. Voisalmentie 19
Wednesdays at 6-7 pm (5.3., 12.3., 19.3. & 26.3.)
Capoeira. In cooperation with Respeite Capoeira club
Teollisuuskatu 11
Tuesdays at 6-7 pm (1.4., 8.4., 15.4. & 22.4.)
Bowling. Fee: 5€ /session
Lappeenranta bowlinghall. Pohjolankatu 29
Golf (more details later)
Weekly groups
Course fee for the Spring season
Adapted swimming 83 €
Wheelchair dance 52 €
Other groups 35 €
The fee can be paid through this link (opens 1.1.2025) or at the swimming pool cash desk.
NOTE! In addition to the seasonal fee, the swimming pool/gym fee must be paid additionally if you don´t have a special card
Water exercise
Tue 14.30-15.00 Group for people with mental health challenges Lauritsala swimming pool*
Thu 14.30-15.00 Group for people with mental disability, Lappeenranta swimming pool
Fri 12.30-13.00 Adapted water exercise, Lauritsala swimming pool *
*Entrance fee + instructionfee 2,70 €/ session bought at the cash desk
Mon 1-2 pm Floorball for people with mental health challenges. Huhtiniemi floorball hall, fee 2,50€/ session by cash *
Mon 2.30-3.30 pm Adapted bowling. Lappeenranta Sports hall.Pohjolankatu 29. FULL COURSE
Wed 6-7.30 pm Adapted floorball. Kesämäen koulu/school.
Sun 9.00-10.30 am Special hockey, UK-Areena. Kisapuisto icerink.
*No registration is required
Dance and Body Maintenance groups
Mon 12.00-12.45 Adapted Body Maintenance group, Urheilutalo gymnastique hall. Pohjolankatu 29
Mon 4.30-5.15 pm Adapted Dance Kimpisen koulu/school, dance hall
Wed 3.30-4.45 pm Wheelchair Dance Myllymäen koulu/school.
Groups for children and teens
Thu 5.15 - 6.00 pm Adapted swimming for children, Veljeskoti therapy pool FULL COURSE
Thu 6.00 - 6.45 pm Adapted swimming for children, Veljeskoti therapy pool FULL COURSE
Thu 6.45 - 7.30 pm Adapted swimming for teens, Veljeskoti therapy pool
Sat 10.45 - 11.30 am Adapted family circus, Taidekoulu/Circus school Estradi
Sat 11.45 - 12.30 am Adapted family circus, Taidekoulu/Circus school Estradi
Gym training
Mon 8.00-9.00 am Gym workout for people with an intellectual disability Joutsenohalli gym. *
Mon 5.45-6.45 pm Gym workout for people with intellectual disability.Kahilanniemi gym. *
Wed 10.00-11.00 am Adapted gym workout Kahilanniemi gym. FULL COURSE
Wed 11.15-12.15 Adapted gym workout, Kahilanniemi gym. FULL COURSE
Wed 1-2 pm Circuit training for people with mental health challenges, Kahilanniemi gym.
Wed 2.30-3.30 pm Circuit training for people with intellectual disability , Kahilanniemi FULL COURSE
Thu 10.00-11.00 am Adapted gym workout, Lauritsala swimming pool gym. FULL COURSE
Thu 11.00-12.00 Adapted gym workout, Lauritsala swimming pool gym.FULL COURSE
Thu 3-4 pm Adapted gym workout, Lauritsala swimming pool gym.
Fri 10.15-11.15 am Adapted gym workout,Kahilanniemi gym.NEW GROUP!
* No registration required
Exercise groups for people with mental health challenges
Mon 1.00 - 2.00 pm. Floor ball, Huhtiniemi
Tue 2.30 - 3.00 pm. Water Aerobics, Lauritsala swimming pool
Wed 1.00 - 2.00 pm. Circuit training, Kahilanniemi gym
Thu 2.15 - 3.00 pm, Body Maintenance, Urheilutalo judo hall*
*No registration is required
Groups for people with intellectual disability
Mon 8.00 - 9.00 am. Gym work out, Joutsenohalli gym
Mon 4.30 - 5.15 pm. Music Exercise for teens and adults, Kimpinen school
Mon 5..45 - 6.45 pm. Gym work out, Kahilanniemi gym
Wed 2.30 - 3.30 pm. Circuit training, Kahilanniemi gym
Wed 6.00 - 7.30 pm. Floor ball for teens, Kesämäki school
Thu 2.30 - 3.00 pm. Water Aerobics, Lappeenranta swimming pool
Sun 9.00 - 10.30 am. Special Hockey, UK-Arena
Groups for people with physical disabilities
Mon 12.00 - 12.45 am. Adapted Body maintenance, Urheilutalo
Wed 10.00 - 11.00 am. Adapted Gym workout, Kahilanniemi gym FULL COURSE
Wed 11.15 - 12.15 am Adapted Gym workout, Kahilanniemi gym FULL COURSE
Thu 10.00 - 11.00 am. Adapted Gym workout, Lauritsala swimming hall gym
Thu 11.00 - 12.00 am. Adapted Gym workout, Lauritsala swimming hall gym
Thu 3.00 - 4.00 pm. Adapted Gym workout, Lauritsala swimming hall gym
Fri 10.15 - 11.15 am. Adapted Gym workout, Kahilanniemi gym
Fri 12.30 - 1.00 pm. Easy Water exercise, Lauritsala swimming hall, without registration
Adapted physical activity groups organised by clubs
Budoseura Kamiza – Adapted Judo
Lappeenrannan Urheilu-Miehet – Sisujengi, athletics
Lappeenrannan Vammaiskeilailu – Adapted Bowling
Respeite Capoeira – Stargroup/Capoeira
Saimaan Säilät – Wheelchair Fencing
SaiPa Salibandy – Adapted Floorball
Do you want to find a sports hobby with Valtti?
The aim of the Valtti programme, coordinated by the Finnish Paralympic Committee, is to find a sports hobby for children and young people aged 6–23 who require special support. In Lappeenranta, Valtti activities are carried out in cooperation between the sports services and the LAB University of Applied Sciences’ Motiivi Hyvinvointipalvelut. In Valtti activities, a personal instructor, Valtti, accompanies the child or young person to the new hobby. The Valtti looks for opportunities for the child or young person to try out exercise forms and accompanies them to the activity, acting as a supporter and friend. Motiivi’s physiotherapy students act as Valttis. In Lappeenranta, you can register for Valtti activities throughout the year. The Valtti coordinator chooses a Valtti as a guide to the hobby for the child or young person. The Valtti contacts the family to tell them about hobby opportunities. The number of appointments may vary from 3 to 5. As a rule, Valtti activities are carried out during the autumn and spring terms. The timing of trying out new hobbies is affected by the dates of the practical training of the Motiivi students.
More information about Valtti activities in Lappeenranta:
special sports instructor Jenni Lehti, tel. +358 400 157 514, jenni.lehti(at)