
Exercise for children, young people and families

Family events

The City of Lappeenranta Sports Services offer low-threshold sports activities and events for children, young people and families. 

During the events the children must always be attented by an adult. 


Sports picnic for families 

 Kimpinen sports centre.
Wednesday  14.8. at 4.30 - 6.00 pm 

Come and meet local sports clubs and try different sports. Free entry.  


Liikuntamaa events and water activity days

Liikuntamaa events and water activity days are events for the whole family that are regularly organised in cooperation between the city’s sports services and clubs. 

At Liikuntamaa events, children have free use of sports equipment from balls to air tracks. Liikuntamaa events provide families with joint activities and diverse opportunities for exercise and play for children aged 1–12 years. Liikuntamaa activities are also suitable for children with special needs. 

The important thing is for the family to be together and enjoy exercise without competition or performance.


Liikuntamaa events

Liikuntamaa activities are supervised but not guided.

The fee for the Liikuntamaa event is €2.60 per child.

Liikuntamaa events timetable, fall 2024

Sundays 10 am to 1 pm.
The first hour, 9.00-10.00 am. is aimed for children with special needs (for e.g. neuropsychological challenges, physical disabilities etc.).

Joutseno sportshall (Penttiläntie 17)
Liikuntamaa event days
1.9., 20.10., 17.11. and 8.12.2024

Kourula sportshall (Katajakatu 12)
Liikuntamaa event days:
6.10., 3.11., 24.11. and 15.12.2024
and Sat 14.9.2024 

Lappeenrannan Urheilutalo (Pohjolankatu 29)
Fall break event day:
Monday  21.10.2024 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.


Movement circus

Sun 29.9. 10.00 am to 1.00 pm, Taidekoulu Estradi
Fee: € 2,60 / children.
Movement circus is for the whole family. Come and try circus with different equipments. 


Children’s water activity days at the swimming hall

Water activity days are organised at the Lauritsala swimming hall (Luukkaankatu 51).
Children must always be attended by an adult.

The fee for the water activity day at the swimming hall is the swimming hall entrance fee.

NOTE! There is no public swimming at the swimming hall during children’s water activity days.

Children's water activity days timetable, fall 2024

Saturdays 11 am to 1 pm

Event days: 31.8., 28.9., 12.10. and 23.11.2024


SPLASH-event for school aged children

Fri 23.10. 4.00 - 7.00 pm. Lappeenranta swimming hall

Children who can't swim, must always be attended by an adult.

The fee for the event is the swimming hall entrance fee.

NOTE! There is no public swimming at the swimming hall during the event.


Tips for physical activities

Sports equipment and yard games to borrow from the library
The library card can be used to borrow various sports equipment from Lappeenranta’s main library and the libraries in Sammonlahti and Joutseno.
These sports equipment include for example: padel rackets, snow shoes, kettlebells and many other equipments. 

Every child must have the opportunity to be physically active and enjoy exercise on a daily basis

Children are born with a need to be physically active. This is why an active lifestyle begins to develop early in childhood. A child’s physical activity refers to all physical activities in a child’s life with different strain levels, such as playing, bustling around indoors and outdoors, household chores, outdoor activities, hiking and guided exercise.

Children’s rights are adults’ responsibilities.

Children’s exercise is physically active play

The goal of a child’s daily physical activity is three hours a day, which consists of diverse activities with different strain levels: light exercise and brisk outdoor activities as well as very fast-paced physical activity.

Physical activity has a positive impact on the child’s

  • health
  • well-being
  • involvement
  • learning
  • interaction skills.

(Source: Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood 2016. Joy, play and doing together. Ministry of Education and Culture 2016.)