
South Karelia Employment Area

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Welcome to South Karelia Employment and Immigration Services 

The South Karelia Employment Area comprises nine municipalities: Imatra, Lappeenranta, Lemi, Luumäki, Parikkala, Rautjärvi, Ruokolahti, Savitaipale and Taipalsaari. The City of Lappeenranta serves as the host municipality, coordinating services for the entire region.

Our services: 

  • assistance with job seeking and know-how development for job seekers 
  • support for new and existing entrepreneurs
  • immigrant and integration services 

Job Market Finland's e-services

When you log in to Job Market Finland (Työmarkkinatori), you gain access to the 'My job path' section and can deal with employment officials in the 'E-services' section. If you are not familiar with using e-tools, you may contact national telephone services or visit our local offices for guidance. 

Personal customers e-services advice and national telephone service

Employers and entrepreneurs e-services advice and national telephone service

Employment Area telephone service 

Mon-Fri 9–12, callback service on workdays 8-16.15
Personal customers tel. +358 (0)5 6163 300 
Employers and entrepreneurs tel. +358 (0)5 6163 500

Further information: