
Public Transport

Public Transport in Lappeenranta

There are several public transport lines in Lappeenranta region. The exact timetables and routes you can see in the Jouko journey planner.

Bus Lines in urban area

1  LUT-yliopisto–keskusta–Kiiskinmäki

From LUT University via city centre to Kiiskinmäki and back.

2 Kivisalmi–keskusta–Hovinpelto

From Kivisalmi via city centre to Hovinpelto and back.

3K Kivisalmi—Kesämäki

From Kivisalmi to Kesämäki and back, only school days

4 Karhuvuori–keskusta–Mäntylä

From Karhuvuori via city centre to Mäntylä and back.

5 LUT-yliopisto–keskusta–Matkakeskus

From LUT University via city centre to train station and back.

7 Mustola–keskusta

From Mustola to city centre and back.

8 Rutola–Ruoholampi–keskusta–Pikisaari–Kariniemi

From Rutola via Ruoholampi and citry centre to Pikisaari and Kariniemi.

12 Kivisalmi–LUT-yliopisto–Keskusta–Karhuvuori–Kiiskinmäki

From Kivisalmi suburb Kiiskinmäki suburb via LUT University, City Center and Karhuvuori suburb. Only on Friday and Saturday nights.

14 Mäntylä–keskusta–Karhuvuori–Mustola 

From Mäntylä via city centre and Karhuvuori to Mustola, only nights and weekends.


Service lines in urban area

P1 Line 1001

Service line from Kiiskinmäki to City Center, operated with small bus.

P3 Line 1003

Service line from Kivisalmi to City Center, operated with small bus


Bus lines to Imatra

From Lappeenranta to Imatra there are two bus lines: line 100 from Lappeenranta city centre via Lauritsala to Imatra and line 101 from LUT University to Imatra.