
Campsite notification

When establishing a campsite, the municipal authority of the area in question must be notified.


The keeper of the campsite must also notify, well in advance, about any substantive changes to their operations.

If the entrepreneur has established itself in another country in the European Economic Area and temporarily offers services in Finland, the same notifications are required as from entrepreneurs established in Finland.


A written notification of the establishment of the campsite must be submitted to the environmental protection authority of the municipality in which the campsite is located. The notification can be free-form. Submit a notification to the Lappeenranta department of environmental services, three months before starting operations or changing operations.

Provide the local municipal building and environmental board with a written notification about establishing a campsite. Include the necessary information regarding yourself, the location of the campsite and nature and scope of operations in the notification.


Campsite notification must be submitted at least three months before the start of operations.

Processing time

Campsite notification must be submitted at least three months before the start of operations.

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