Criteria-based exercise cards and exercise benefits
Lappeenranta Sports Services offers various criteria-based exercise cards and exercise benefits. You can find out more about the benefits via the links.
BMI card
The BMI card can be issued to Lappeenranta residents with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 40 or over. After claiming the card, the customer is entitled to use the Lappeenranta and Lauritsala swimming halls and gyms, the Joutsenohalli gym and the Ylämaa gym.
Prices as of 1 January 2025
Combined swimming pool and gym card €74, gym card only €29.
The card can be claimed by booking an appointment for personal exercise counselling.
The card is valid for one year from the date of purchase. The card can be issued for a maximum of three years. However, in the second and third years, the BMI must be 35 or over.
TSEMPPI card for children and young people
The TSEMPPI card can be issued to children and young people in Lappeenranta aged 2–17 who have an ISO-BMI of 25 or over or a waistline/height ratio of over 0.50. People over the age of 13 have the opportunity to claim a swimming and gym card.
A TSEMPPI card may also be issued on the recommendation of a health care professional. For more information, ask your school nurse or child health clinic.
The TSEMPPI card for children and young people is used in the Lappeenranta and Lauritsala swimming halls and gyms, the Joutsenohalli gym and the Ylämaa gym.
The TSEMPPI card is personal.
Price list of the TSEMPPI card as of 1 January 2025:
Swimming card €34.
Swimming and gym card €46
The card can be claimed by booking an appointment for personal exercise counselling. The card is valid for one year from the date of purchase. The card can be issued for a maximum of four years.
Swimming and gym card for special groups
Issuing the card
A swimming and gym card for special groups may be issued to Lappeenranta residents who are at least in overall disability category 12 due to illness or disability or at least in disability category 10 due to a physical disability. (The disability category refers to the handicap class according to the Employment Accidents Insurance Act; Decree 1649/2009 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.)
Persons receiving Kela’s care, disability or rehabilitation allowance, as well as persons with a valid parking card for people with disabilities or an EU Disability Card, are entitled to a swimming and gym card. The Kela card codes and medical statements mentioned below entitle you to the card. A card is not issued if the care or rehabilitation allowance has been granted on the basis of dietary costs.
The price of the card
As of 1 January 2025
Swimming and gym card
– for adults €74
– for children under 18 years €34.
Gym card €23.
Smart card €6.60.
Non-residents can claim the card for double price. We have a cooperation agreement with the municipality of Lemi. When applying for a card from the City of Lappeenranta, Lemi residents pay the normal price of the card themselves. The other half of the non-resident price will be paid by the municipality of Lemi.
Residents from Taipalsaari: please be in touch with the physical activity consultant ( phone: 040 6850096) for claiming the card.
In addition, the fee for the smart card, which is charged with a year’s license, is added to the card price the first time. The assistant enters free of charge if the need for assistance concerns both the dressing room and the pool or gym. The card is valid for the Lappeenranta and Lauritsala swimming pools and gyms, the Joutsenohalli gym and the Ylämaa gym.
The card is valid for one year from the date of purchase.
Claiming the card
The card can be claimed directly at the cash desk of the swimming pools in Lappeenranta or Joutseno or Joutsenohalli if you have on of the following documents:
A valid EU Disability Card, a parking card for people with disabilities or a Kela card with the code mentioned below.
Kela card code and diagnosis
203, Asthma or chronic obstructive lung disease
103, Diabetes
111, Epilepsy
108, Muscle disease
109 or 303, MS
110, Parkinson’s disease
112 or 188, Psychiatric disorders
202, Rheumatism
206, Coronary artery disease
201, Heart failure
You can also claim the card if you have a medical certificate for a disability category or a decision on a care, disability or rehabilitation allowance.
Moreover the card can be claimed with the medical statements mentioned below.
Medical statements that entitle you to the card:
Cerebral palsy (diagnosis G80): medical report
Diabetes: medical report on tablet-treated diabetes
Organ transplant patients: medical report
Progressive diseases of the central nervous system (diagnoses G10–G13): medical report
Fibromyalgia (diagnosis M79): medical report
Intellectual disability: statement from services for persons with intellectual disabilities or medical report
Muscle diseases (diagnoses G70–G73): medical report
MS (diagnosis G35): medical report
Osteoporosis: medical report
Psoriasis patients who also have rheumatism
Psychiatric illness (diagnosis F32.2 or F33.2): medical report or pension decision/B statement on psychiatric grounds*
Cancer patients: medical report, less than three years old certificate
Children under 16 years of age with e.g. ADHD, autism, epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, rheumatism, cancer or heart condition: medical report
* Persons who are granted a swimming and gym card with a B statement on psychiatric grounds must present a valid certificate to the instructor for adapted physical activities annually in order to renew the card.
When you have the needed documents, please make an appointment with the instructor for adapted physical activities.
Contact or phone 0400 157 514
Renewing the card
The card can be renewed at the cash desk of the swimming pools or Joutsenohalli. If you have been issued a card on the basis of a fixed-term decision, please contact the special sports instructor to renew the card.
Senior card 65+
The Senior card is intended for Lappeenranta residents aged 65 and over for independent exercise.
The card entitles you to swim and use the gym independently once a day in the sports facilities mentioned below.
The card can be used only during the time slots mentioned.
During the summermonths, the use of the card is restricted to the summer opening hours.
The senior card is always personal.A photo ID is required to verify the person’s place of residence and age.
Price as of 1 January 2025
Senior card 12 months, €114.
Senior card 6 months, €68.
Smart card, €6.60.
The senior card can be claimed at the cash desk of the Lappeenranta or Lauritsala swimming hall or Joutsenohalli.
A smartcard is to be bought additionally for loading the service.
Senior card time slots during the winter season:
Swimming pools
Lappeenranta swimming pool
Mon, Wed and Thu 6–10 am and 1–3 pm
Tue and Fri 12 noon–3 pm
Sat 11 am–3 pm
Sun 11 am–2 pm
Lauritsala swimming pool
Mon and Wed 12 noon–3 pm
Tue, Thu and Fri 6–10 am and 1–3 pm
Sat 11 am–3 pm
Sun 11 am–2 pm
Lappeenranta swimming pool gym, Pohjolankatu 29
Mon, Wed and Thu 6–9 am
Tue and Fri 12 noon–3 pm
Sat 11 am–3 pm
Sun 11 am–2 pm
Lauritsala swimming pool gym, Luukkaankatu 51
Mon and Wed 12 noon–3 pm
Tue, Thu 6-9 am
Fri 6–10 am, 1-3 pm
Sat 11 am–3 pm
Sun 11 am–2 pm
Joutsenohalli gym, Penttiläntie 17
Mon, Thu, Fri 9 am-5 pm
Tue, Thu 12–5 pm
Sat 11 am–4 pm
Sun 10 am–1 pm
Kahilanniemi gym kuntosali, Valto Käkelän katu 3 D
Please note! The Seniorikortti 65+seniorcard is to be updated at the Lappeenranta swimminpool cashdesk in advance
Mon 1-3 pm
Tue 12-2 pm
Fri 8-10 am
The time slots may be subject to exceptions due to events at sports venues.