
Children and families

Events Spring 2025


Events during the school holiday -New!
February 24th-March 2nd

February 24th
at 2-3.30 pm 

Lappeenranta sportshall .Pohjolankatu 29
For children  (7-13 years) and adults. Chose between footsal, floorball or badminton.
Bring indoor shoes and a water bottle. 
No registration or fees. 

February 25th at 12-3 pm 

Skating event 
Kisapuiston tekojää. Kisakatu 9
For children (no age limits) and adults together. 
Bring your own skates and helmets.
In cooperation with Saipa, Veiterä and Lappeenrannan Luistelijat sports clubs.
No registration or fees. 

February 26.2. at 4.30-7 pm

Fun activities indoors and outdoors .Also a café run by the sportsclub
For children (no age limits) and adults together.  
Kourula sportshall Katajakatu 12
Liikuntamaa-family event. Fun equipment and games for all ages.
Kourula sportsfield/ice rink Katajakatu 10
Snowgames and skating. A few skates to borrow also available. Bring your own helmet!
In cooperation with Pesäysit Finnish Baseball club.
No registration or fees.  

February 28th at 4-7 pm
Splash-swimmingpool event
Lappeenranta swimmingpool Pohjolankatu 29
Fun watergames and activities in the pool for primary school children. 
Please note! Non swimmers constantly supervised by an adult. 
No registration but the swimmingpool entrance is to be paid.
No public swimming during the event. 

See also  Talvisatama-events in the harbour here

Skating school for children and families

Kisapuisto outdoor icerink.Kisakatu 9
Sunday mornings. Usually at 10-12 am, but please check the time in advance by the coach.
Cheap second hand ice skates availabele at Kontti. Kauppakatu 61
No fees., but an  insurance is required. More information and registration check here
For questions please contact Iikka phone 045 232 8576 or e-mail: jaapallokouluuk@gmail.com
Organized by the Bandyclub Veiterä. 


Family Sports events 

Monthly, Sundays at 10 am -1 pm
At 9-10 am a more peaceful session. For children  with special needs, such as hyper sensibility, movement restriction or attention disorders.

Try  fun sports equipment together with your child/children.  Welcome children up to 12 years together with an adult.
The children need parental supervision during the whole event.
No registration. The fee 2,70 €/child is to be paid on site to the club in charge.

Joutsenohalli/sportshall Penttiläntie 17
On Sundays  January 12th, February 9th, March 16th and April 6th  at  10am-1 pm
(Calm hours at  9-10 pm)

Kourulan palloiluhalli/sportshall  Katajakatu 12
Sundays  January26 th, February 23rd , March 23rd and April 27th at 10-1 pm
(Calm hours at  9-10 pm)

Children’s water activity days 

Lauritsala swimming pool (Luukkaankatu 51).
On Saturdays January 18 th, February 15th , March 15th  and April 26th
from  klo 11. am-1 pm

Please note! Children attending the event must always be attended by an adult.
There is no public swimming at the swimming hall during the event.
Free event, but the swimming pool fee is to be paid. 

Family  Circus

Sunday March 30th  10.00 am to 1.00 pm,
Taidekoulu Estradi/Circus school
Circus equipment try out  for the whole family. Please remeber, that each child is to be attended during the event. 
Fee: € 2,70/  child

Crosscountry skiing

Skicourses  for children , arranged by Lappeen Riento sportsclub here

25 skitrails to be used for free around the city:
Skitrails -click Service location

Up to date maintenance of the skitrails and trailmaps:
Ice rink and ski trail maintenance

Ski equipment 
To be sold in local sportshops and big supermarkets
Second hand from for instance Kontti or tori.fi
For renting  Drakkar sport

Ski waxing by the airport trail parkingslace Lappeeen riento skicottage 

Downhill skiing in Myllymäki

Myllymäki Ski Center  is in Joutseno, Myllymäentie 84
There are 6 slopes, and instruction individually or in a group. Also fpr chidren from 3 years.  See fees and more information in Finnish
Liftcards for adults 20€/hour or 28€/day. Discount for unemployed and children: 16€/hour or 24€/day

Snowshoe walking

Snow shoes to borrow withour costs from the city library. Search on the website under "lumikengät"  

Snow shoe rental and hiking   Saimaan palju rental  Retki Saimaa rental

Snow shoe try outs   Lappeenranta Sports Department Snow shoe try out

Ice skating

28 public icerinks around the city  to be used for free:
Icerinks to be found under service location

To be sold in local sportshops and big supermarkets
Second hand from for instance Kontti or tori.fi
Skates for short time use  to borrow from the Sports Department (mostly adult sizes). Contact: stina.tevajarvi@lappeenranta.fi


Acitivites organized by the church community

All groups are free of charge!

Morning group for families

Lappeenranta Sportshall, judoroom. Pohjolankatu 29
Tuesdays 9.30-10.30 am
Welcome children 3-5 years (+ sibling)and adult.
No fees. For registrations contact Stina (phone:0406317428)

Exercise group

Welcome children from 6-12 years.  look here

Hobbyhorse club

Welcome children from 6-12 years. look here


Welcome children from 6-13 years. look here


Swimmingschools for children

New courses start in January 2025. The enrolment has started!

Swimmingschools in Lappeenranta are organized by:
Lappeenrannan Uimarit swimmingclub.Please check:
Beginners` courses here
Advanced beginners` courses here
For questions please contact:  toiminnanjohtaja@lappeenrannanuimarit.fi or phone: 050 452 1005 (Monday-Wednesday  9 am-2 pm)

Lappeenrannan Kisa-Toverit sportsclub. Please check here
For questions please contact:  juho@lrkt.fi or phone 050 512 4389

For private swimming lessons, please contact  Bettina Blomfelt.
Instruction fee from 25€/session
Phone 050-5710004 or  bet.blomfelt@gmail.com

Free entrance hours for teens and  Sampo students

Fridays from 2pm -5 pm
No entrance fee for teens and secondary level students in the following places:
- Lappeenranta and Lauritsala swimming pools
- Joutsenohalli and the swimming hall gyms. Note! Only for 9th graders upwards.

More sports, hobbies  and events for all ages..

Local sports clubs look  here
The calender for local sports activities  look  here
The event guide for Lappeenranta  look here
The community house/Nice Hearts look  here