
Instruction not bound to grades

Compulsory education usually progresses grade by grade. In this case, the objectives and content (teaching and studying) of the subjects are divided by grade and bound to them. Progress in studies is bound to time on the basis of grades, and after a pupil has completed their assignments adequately, they usually move to the next grade after summer.

Sometimes a situation may arise, where it is better to carry out your child’s studies without them being bound to grades. This way, your child can progress in their studies individually according to their separate curriculum. The curriculum describes the study modules and determines their order of completion, schedule and possible specific objectives.

At the end of the academic year, each pupil receives an end of year school report. If your child’s instruction is not bound to grades, they will be given a school report on the successful completion of studies during the academic year in question. Your child will move to the next grade after the year’s school work is done. If necessary, your child’s progress according to their own curriculum can avoid them being held back, which would result in all of their studies in the grade in question falling through.

Like other pupils, pupils completing their education without binding to grades are entitled to all support for school attendance and learning.

Instruction not bound to grades can also be used as per the curriculum to organise instruction for the entire school or pupils of certain grades. Such arrangement can be used, for example, as a measure to support gifted pupils or to prevent pupils from dropping out of school.

Use the service


Contact your child’s teacher, the school’s special-needs teacher or headmaster for more information on the possibility to arrange education not bound to grades. The contact information is available in Wilma.

Payment information

The service is free of charge.

Service background and legislation

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