
Flexible basic education

In flexible basic education, your child can study at school, at the workplace and in various operating environments. On-the-job learning is an integral part of the studies. The studies also include study visits and excursions. Each pupil’s personal learning methods and goals are recorded in the education plan. Flexible basic education is intended for grades 7–9.

There are flexible basic education groups in the schools of Joutseno, Kesämäki and Lauritsala. These groups can also be implemented in the schools of Kimpinen and Sammonlahti. The groups have about 10 pupils and there is usually a teacher and special-needs assistant working in them. The groups cooperate with a wide range of operators, such as the youth services.

Flexible basic education supports pupils in completing the basic education syllabus, transitioning to upper secondary education and, in the long term, in finding employment. The aim of flexible basic education is to reduce dropping out of basic education, prevent exclusion as well as strengthen motivation to study and life management.


Flexible basic education is intended for pupils of secondary school age, usually pupils in grades 8–9.


Contact the form teacher, special-needs teacher, school social worker or the school’s headmaster for information on how to apply for the flexible basic education class.

Generally, the application to move to a flexible basic education class must be made in good time during the spring term. The application can be made by the pupil and guardian. The initiative to move to the flexible basic education class can also be taken by a teacher or school social worker.

Payment information

The service is free of charge.

Service background and legislation

Flexible basic education supports pupils in higher comprehensive school, or grades 7— 9, who are at risk of not obtaining a basic education certificate. Flexible basic education stresses learning by doing, the use of different learning environments and on-the-job learning.

Flexible basic education is organized by comprehensive schools in cooperation with municipal youth work, wellbeing services counties, vocational institutions, general upper secondary schools and workshops for young people. The teaching is organised around groups of pupils.