Service location
Customer Service Centre Winkki – City Hall
Visiting information
Villimiehenkatu 153100 Lappeenranta
Service location on map
Show the route here
Service hours
Monday–Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Maundy Thursday (8:30 AM-3:30 PM)
Good Friday (Closed) (4/18/2025)
Easter Sunday (Closed) (4/20/2025)
Easter Monday (Closed) (4/21/2025)
May Day (Closed) (5/1/2025)
Ascension Day (Closed) (5/29/2025)
Midsummer Eve (Closed) (6/20/2025)
Midsummer Day (Closed) (6/21/2025)
All Saints' Day (Closed) (11/1/2025)
Independence Day (Closed) (12/6/2025)
Christmas Eve (Closed) (12/24/2025)
Christmas Day (Closed) (12/25/2025)
2nd Day of Christmas (Closed) (12/26/2025)
New Year's eve (8:30 AM-4:30 PM)
Other contact details
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Related services
Applying for a secondary school place
Basic education
Demarcation in a detailed plan area
Early childhood education that supplements pre-primary education
Easement proceedings in a detailed plan area
Extended compulsory education
Influencing the detailed shore planning process
Influencing the local detailed planning process
Influencing the local master planning process
Landscape work permit
Notification of a land lease invoicing information change
Objection about the operations of early childhood education
Open daycare centre
Planning requirement decision or deviation decision
Play club
Plot subdivision
Pre-primary education
Property formation in a detailed plan area
School enrolment
Service voucher for private daycare centres
Starting basic education one year earlier than enacted
Starting basic education one year later than enacted