
Myllysaari family park

The Myllysaari family park is a popular recreational and leisure area near Lappeenranta city centre by Lake Saimaa. Myllysaari offers opportunities for swimming, sauna, fitness exercise, parkour and beach volley. The green areas have plenty of space for resting between swimming and sports. The beach is gently shelving and child-friendly, with plenty of sandy and green areas. The beach services include a playground, a fitness and climbing area and a waterfront café.

In winter, there are two ice swimming holes in Myllysaari, one at the swimming facility and another at the public sauna.

The east shore of the point has a rowing/canoe centre, and there is a special dog beach next to the area.

The pedestrian and bicycle traffic lanes in Myllysaari are also wheelchair accessible.

The entire area is equipped with recording CCTV to prevent vandalism and littering and to improve safety.

For more information on services, please see the service locations’ own pages.

The opening hours of beach services in summer 2024:

  • beach area is supervised 10.6.-11.8.2024
  • diving tower is open Mon-Sun 11-18.40
  • sled slide is open Mon-Sun 11.30-14.30 and 15.30-18


The Myllysaari beach volleyball courts are available in summer every day at 7.00–22.00. Please respect the opening hours. The courts are available to everyone, but a booking fee of €5,20/h is charged when making a reservation. You can make a reservation by phone or email from the Sports Department or with the electronic WebTimmi reservation form.

Payment information

The service is free of charge.