Service location
Tapsa grass field
The Tapsa grass field is part of the Joutseno Sports Centre and located near the Racecourse sports fields.
Visiting information
Penttiläntie 1754100 Joutseno
Service location on map
Show the route here
Other contact details
Liikuntapaikkojen hoitajat
+358 400756058
(local/mobile network fee)
Charges for calling this telephone number are:
- calls from a landline phone: standard local network rate.
- calls from a mobile phone: standard mobile rate.
- calls from outside Finland: international rate as applicable.
The actual cost depends on your operator.
Normaali puhelumaksu
Liikunta-alueiden vastaava hoitaja
+358 406373787
(local/mobile network fee)
Charges for calling this telephone number are:
- calls from a landline phone: standard local network rate.
- calls from a mobile phone: standard mobile rate.
- calls from outside Finland: international rate as applicable.
The actual cost depends on your operator.
Normaali puhelumaksu