
Regional administration's e-service for employment and economic development services

In the e-service, you can handle matters electronically in the listed public employment services, both as a private person and on behalf of a company or organisation.

You can submit applications, respond to requests for supplementary information, and receive decisions on your matter. You can find the available services in the Services menu.

Using the e-service

Applying in the e-service replaces the application forms that are printed and saved. The service guides the application process and checks that the application contains all important information. You will receive information of the receipt of a decision and the possible needs to supplement the application directly in the e-service.

It is possible to save the application as incomplete and continue filling it in later. Notifications sent to the e-mail address assigned indicate when the application has been received, when the processing has started, or if additional information is needed to process it. Requests for supplementary information related to the application will be replied to in the e-service.

All information and documents concerning the processing of the matter and the decision will be sent to your personal service account once the matter has been concluded. Documents can be saved or printed from your personal service account for your own processing system or archive.

Logging in to the service

Log in to the e-service using Suomi.fi e-identification with online banking IDs, a mobile certificate or a smart ID card. The authorisations of a person are checked automatically when they log in to the e-service. You will be automatically disconnected after 30 minutes if you do not continue using the service. The service will notify you about automatic timeout.

To apply for certain types of support, Suomi.fi authorisation may be required to ensure that the person who prepares and sends the application for support has the right to represent a company or a community. No separate authorisation is required if the user has the right to sign for the company and the role assigned to a organisation entitles them to use the e-service. Besides the mandates, the use of the e-service requires a business ID if you are a community client.

Valid Suomi.fi service guidelines are observed in granting the right to log in and grant mandates.


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