
Lappeenranta Dream Year of Culture’s mentoring program for event producers – apply by 22.1.2024

PUBLISHED 12/22/2023, 14:41

LappeenrantaFI/Kulttuuri ja liikunta/Kulttuurin unelmavuosi/Sataman iltatulet.jpg

The Dream Year of Culture 2024 aims to improve offering of culture events in Lappeenranta


Do you need help from professionals to produce your event? Do you already have an event that you would like to improve? The event mentoring program is aimed for culture and creative industry operators who want to improve their events or who have a new idea for an event.   

To be part of the event mentoring program, your event have to take place in Lappeenranta. The event will be offically organized by you, but there will be city employees and other professionals as a part of the development process.  

The event mentoring program will offer practical advice, new perspectives, and feedback for event production and development.   

There will be four meetings in the spring (February – May 2024) and two meetings in the autumn 2024. The schedule and content of the program will be clarified when the events are chosen according to needs and wishes of participants. Total 4-8 events will be chosen for the mentoring program. Event organizing companies, associations or individual persons can apply for the program.  

The mentor group will consists of Lappeenranta city employees that are specialized in events, culture, communications and marketing as well as other professionals and stakeholders concerning the needs of the chosen events. 

Apply for the event mentoring program by the 22nd of January 2024. Fill the application form here.