Address numbering, street and road names
Advice and guidance to jobseekers
Advice and support during changes and dismissal
Allotment rental
Animal shelter services
Animal welfare
Applying for a secondary school place
Applying for further studies after basic education
Approval for a household water supplier and wholesaler
Approval of by-product plants
Approval of food premises to establishment
Archaeological heritage work by the Museums of Lappeenranta
Artificial ice tracks
Assistance services and aids for basic education pupils
Ball sports halls
Basic education
Beaches and ice swimming holes
Book talk
Booking a ship inspection
Boundary demonstration
Building control archive services
Building permit surveying
Built heritage
Campsite notification
Career coaching
Certificate for a partially disabled jobseeker
Charging your devices
Children’s Parliament
Completion of compulsory basic education
Completion of compulsory education at home
Copying services
Customer computers
Demarcation in a detailed plan area
Digital support
Disc golf courses
Discretionary expense allowance.
Early childhood education that supplements pre-primary education
Easement proceedings in a detailed plan area
Employment services for employers
Employment services for immigrants
Employment subsidy for people aged 55 or over
Enhanced support in basic education
Environmental permit
Extended compulsory education
Extended transition security for employees aged 55 or over
Finnish as a second language instruction in early childhood education and pre-primary education
Finnish or Swedish as a second language in basic education
Finnish or Swedish as a second language in the general upper secondary school
Fitness trails
Flexible basic education
Food contact material field operator's notification of premises and operations
General upper secondary education
Guidance counselling in basic education
Guidance counselling in general upper secondary education
Hobby grants
How to apply for the English-language class in basic education
How to apply for the music class starting from the 3rd grade
Ice skating areas and rinks
Ice stadiums
Immigrant’s independent study.
Individualised syllabus in basic education
Influencing the detailed shore planning process
Influencing the local detailed planning process
Influencing the local master planning process
Information and advisory services for employment services.
Information and advisory services for young people
Information desk
Information services
Initial assessment pursuant to the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration
Instruction not bound to grades
Instruction of native languages
Instruction preparing for basic education
Instruction preparing immigrants for basic education
Integration plan pursuant to the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration
Interlibrary loans
Job coaching
Job coaching.
Job search in another EU or EEA country or Switzerland
Job-search training
Joint application procedure for post-basic education
Joint procurement training.
Labour market training
Land extraction permit and notification
Landscape work permit
Languages offered in general upper secondary education
Library home delivery service
Licence for retailing tobacco products and nicotine-containing liquids and wholesale notification
Map material and geospatial datasets sales service
Matriculation examination
Meals in day-care centres, pre-primary education, basic education and upper secondary schools
Morning and afternoon activities in basic education
Multilingual guidance and counselling service Momentti
Multisectoral services promoting employment
Municipal early childhood education at daycare centres
Municipal early childhood education in family daycare
Museum services
Museums of Lappeenranta collection services
Muukko motor sports and shooting centre
Myllysaari family park
Neighbourhood sports sites
Noise notification
Notification for keeping animals
Notification in accordance with the Public Health Act
Notification of a land lease invoicing information change
Notification of a manure heap
Notification of experimental activities in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act
Notification of food-related activities
Notification of primary production premises
Notification of suspected food poisoning
Notification of suspected health hazard
Notification of the amount of by-products used as carrions
Notification of the location of animal keeping
Notification of the supply or use of household water in the water distribution zone
Notification of wild oats
Notification to a waste management register of professional waste collection
Objection about the operations of early childhood education
Ohjaamo group activities
Open daycare centre
Ordering an inspection of an area free of wild oats
Organising an event at Lappeenranta libraries
Other field surveying and mapping services
Other grass and artificial turf fields
Outreach youth work
Parcelling of a plot in a detailed plan area
Part-time special-needs education
Pay subsidies
Permit in accordance with the Act on Cross-country Traffic
Permit in accordance with the Water Traffic Act
Planning requirement decision or deviation decision
Play club
Plot subdivision
Pre-primary education
Pre-primary education pupil welfare
Private family daycare
Private road allowances, the city as a member of a road maintenance association
Property formation in a detailed plan area
Pupil welfare services in basic education
Regional work by The Museums of Lappeenranta
Registering activities in the environmental protection information system
Registration of a carrion feeding site
Registration of by-product plants
Reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs.
Religion and worldview studies
Renting or buying vacant plots from the city
Report of an exceptional situation in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act
Retail sales licence for nicotine products
Russian-speaking special-needs teacher in early childhood education
Sale of firewood
Sand fields
School enrolment
School gyms
School transport
Self-motivated study subsidised with an unemployment benefit
Self-service hours
Separate examination in basic education
Service guidance for early childhood education
Service voucher for private daycare centres
Skate and pump track
Ski trails
Special early childhood education coordinator
Special needs education in general upper secondary education
Special teaching arrangements
Special-needs education and special-needs support in basic education
Special-needs teachers in early childhood education
Sports centres
Start-up grant
Starting basic education one year earlier than enacted
Starting basic education one year later than enacted
Student welfare in general upper secondary education
Studying a voluntary foreign language in basic education
Subsidy for arranging working conditions
Support for growth and learning in pre-primary education
Support in growth and learning in early childhood education
Support measures for learning in basic education
Swimming halls
Tennis and padel courts
The Finnish Model for Leisure Activities – Myö harrastetaa lähel Lappeenrannassa
The Museums of Lappeenranta picture archive
The Youth Council
Tours and group visits to the library
Traffic control device on a private road
Training trial
Vocational guidance and career planning.
Water-borne epidemic notification
Weighted-curriculum education
Wireless Internet
Work try-out