Work try-out
A work try-out may be suitable for you if you are considering your own field or want to find out whether a field is suitable for you. A work try-out is also an option if you have been outside of employment for a long period. During the work try-out, you will participate in general work at the workplace. A work try-out is not an employment relationship, and it does not create expenses for the employer.
Agree on the duration and working hours of the work try-out together with the employment authority in your region and the employer. The maximum duration of a work try-out is six months.
During the work try-out, you will receive the same unemployment security as if you were unemployed.
If the costs of participating in the work try-out are incurred, you can receive expense allowance for the days of participation. If you do not receive expense allowance from the payer of the unemployment benefit, that is, an unemployment fund or Kela, the employment authority can pay a discretionary expense allowance.
You can participate in a work try-out if
- you have registered as a jobseeker
- the work try-out has been agreed upon in your employment plan
- the employment authority estimates that a work try-out is the best way to support your employment.
In your employment plan, you agree with the employment authority on whether you will find a work try-out place yourself or whether you need help finding a place.
A work try-out may be organised by a company, entrepreneur, municipality, joint municipal authority, other corporation, foundation or government agency or institution. A private individual may not act as the organiser of a work try-out. You cannot go to a work try-out at a workplace for which you are already employed.
Contact the employment authority in your region and ask if you can participate in a work try-out.
Payment information
The service is free of charge.