
Approval of food premises to establishment

In Lappeenranta, Lemi, Luumäki, Savitaipale, and Taipalsaari, the application for approval is submitted to the Lappeenranta region’s department of environmental services.

Food premises that process foodstuffs of animal origin before retail must apply to be approved as establishments. The operator must apply for the approval from the local food authority based on the location of the establishment. If the establishment is mobile, apply for the approval from the municipality’s food control authority in whose area the operations are begun. The application must include the documents and clarifications listed below, which are also mentioned in legislation.

Slaughterhouses and game-handling establishments are exceptions, as well as establishments that are in connection to them and mobile establishments. Such establishments are approved by the Finnish Food Authority. Reindeer slaughterhouses as well as establishments in connection to them and mobile establishments are approved by the Regional State Administrative Agency for Lapland.

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A food control authority may approve an establishment when it meets the requirements set in the Food Act. The establishment must also fulfil the requirements set in the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin. The establishment must also fulfil the requirements set in the Decree of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on food hygiene in establishments.

An establishment can only be approved once a supervisory authority has completed its inspection.

If the operation of an establishment is interrupted, terminated or the operator changes, the operator must, without delay, notify the food control authority who approved the establishment in question. In the event of a significant operational change, the operator must notify a food control authority well in advance, who will then inspect and approve the changed operations.

An application for the approval of an establishment is not required if, for example, a primary production operator produces small numbers of foodstuffs from their products in connection to their retail sales. However, the operator must notify the local food control authority about such a food premise.

If the trader is established in another EEA state and provides services in Finland on a temporary basis, they are required to have the same permits as the traders established in Finland.


The application form can be requested from the Lappeenranta region's department of environmental services. Send the application form and its appendices by e-mail to the department of environmental services registry office, or by letter to the Lappeenranta region's department of environmental services, in two copies.

Apply for the approval of food premises to an establishment by submitting the application and its appendices to the food control authority responsible for the municipality in which the establishment is located.

Please include the following in your application:

  • your name, home municipality and contact details
  • your business ID or, if that is not available, your personal identity code
  • the name and address of the establishment
  • the establishment’s operations and their estimated extent
  • clarification of any special arrangements in the premises to ensure food hygiene
  • clarification of ventilation, water supply, sewerage, waste management and processing of by-products
  • description of the surface materials in production, storage, cleaning, transport and personnel’s social premises
  • description of the own-check system
  • the estimated time of operational launch.

Attach the following documents to your application:

  • the establishment’s layout, floor plan and HVAC drawings, which indicate the production areas, use of the facilities and placement of equipment and fixtures
  • information about the use of the space according to the main drawings approved by building control authorities, and possible pending applications.

Please note that the floor plan of the establishment must include:

  • the transportation routes of raw materials, constituent materials, finished foodstuffs, packaging materials, by-products and waste
  • passageways of personnel (including maintenance, transportation and cleaning personnel)
  • locations of water supply points, washing and disinfection facilities, and floor drains
  • temperatures of refrigerated facilities.

A supervisory authority assesses the application and performs an inspection in the business premises before approving the application. The inspection will focus on the structures, tools, equipment, production technology and operational hygiene of the establishment. A supervisory authority may also request further clarifications and supplements for the application.

Payment information

A fee is charged for the service.

A fee according to the rate approved by the Environmental Committee, is charged for the approval decision.


You must apply for the approval of food establishments before the start of operations or a significant operational change.

Processing time

The establishment may not commence operations before it has been approved.

Usually, authorities make the decision within 60 days from receiving the application. The processing time may be longer if the extent, inadequacy of the application, or other special reason so requires.

Service background and legislation