
The strike on December 14th will affect the municipal services of the city of Lappeenranta

PUBLISHED 12/13/2023, 19:20

Updated on December 14th at 7:23 AM: Clarified the impacts related to public transportation.
Last updated on December 14th at 8.22 AM: Clarified the impacts related to street maintenance.

The Central Organization of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) has announced extensive political strikes for Thursday, December 14th, 2023. The strikes involve the participation of The Finnish Transport Workers' Union (AKT) and the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL). The labor dispute is not directed towards the employer or existing official and employment agreements.

The strike will affect the sports services, environmental maintenance, street maintenance, and public transportation services of the city of Lappeenranta. The strike will also affect school attendance supervisors. While the city's sports facilities will remain open, there may be deficiencies in their maintenance.

There may be deviations in quality and delays in snow removal on the city's main streets and narrow pedestrian paths in the downtown core. However, tasks related to environmental maintenance and winter maintenance can be handled in other areas.

There will be no afternoon activities on Thursday, December 14, at Myllymäki, Joutseno, Voisalmi, Lönnrot, and Skinnarila schools.

Significant impacts on public transportation and school transportation 

The strike  will have significant impacts on public transportation in Lappeenranta, traffic between Lappeenranta and Imatra, as well as school transportation on December 14th, 2023. It is possible that local transit lines may not operate at all. 

- This also applies to lines 100, 101, 111, 200, 601, 602, 603, as well as 112 and 121, says Terhi Koski, Head of Public Transportation.

The impacts of the strike affect at least Savonlinja Oy, V-S Bussipalvelut Oy, and Soisalon Liikenne Oy. Toimi Vento Ky and Kuljetus Mikkonen Oy are expected to operate normally; therefore, routes 110, 120, 113, 300, 500, and 610 will run as usual.

The strike may also impact school transportation. Most likely, the majority of contracted school transport services will operate normally. Soisalon Liikenne Oy will not operate school transports, but otherwise, contracted school transports are likely to be able to operate normally. The city of Lappeenranta cannot guarantee the realization of legally mandated school transportation during the strike. No alternative transports will be provided.

- Efforts will be made to prepare for the situation as best as possible, but the extent of the strike and its effects cannot be fully anticipated. As of now, normal operations are expected to resume on Friday, December 15, Koski notes.

Information about the exceptional situation will be provided on the electronic Jouko journey planner and the Lappeenrannan bussit app.

- Due to the exceptional situation, planned schedules cannot be guaranteed, and even the buses that may be in operation could follow unconventional timetables, Koski adds.

It is recommended to allocate sufficient time for commuting and monitor the real-time traffic situation through the Jouko journey planner and Lappeenrannan bussit app. 

Owners of valid public transportation season tickets will receive a 3% discount on their next season ticket load, mentioning the AKT strike on December 14, 2023. The discount must be claimed from the customer service center Winkki by January 31, 2024.

The city will inform about any potential changes related to the strike's impact on municipal services.

The city of Lappeenranta regrets any inconvenience caused by the possible strike. If necessary, the city will provide separate information about any changes regarding the impact of the strike on municipal services.