Lappeenranta raises funds for the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv – donation used to buy learning aids for a special-support school

The City of Lappeenranta, with the help of Finn Church Aid, organised a fundraiser to raise funds to help the people of the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv. Chernihiv is a twin town of Lappeenranta.
The collection, based on a council initiative, was open from February until the end of July. According to Päivi Pietiläinen, Head of International Affairs of the City of Lappeenranta, the Chernihiv special-support school was selected as the target of the aid with the help of Finn Church Aid.
“Finn Church Aid is active in the Chernihiv region and its staff are well aware of the greatest needs of the local people,” she said.
The school has 74 children and 28 teachers. Its classes are small, and the fundraiser made it possible to provide the children with aids to facilitate their learning.
“The school purchased adjustable desks, bright table lamps, games for practising motor functions, building tools and other learning materials for the classroom. Thank you to everyone who participated in the fundraiser,” says Pietiläinen.
For more information, please contact:
Päivi Pietiläinen, Head of International Affairs
Tel. +358 (0)40 770 2797,