6th graders guide for homes
A2 language selection guide
Application periods – Studyinfo
Electronic search service for city -owned residential and commercial plots
EURES helps with recruitment from Europe
Guide on how to apply for the music class
Information about changing the school place
Information about special-needs education and special-needs support in basic education
Information about weighted-curriculum education
Information on completing a separate examination in basic education
Information on completion of compulsory education at home
Job Market Finland
Lappeenranta public map service
Lower comprehensive schools on a map
Museums of Lappeenranta Facebook page
Museums of Lappeenranta Instagram account
Museums of Lappeenranta website
Newcomer’s guide to school for homes
Regional pages of Job Market Finland
School and day-care centre meals, Saimaan Tukipalvelut Oy
School and day-care centre menus
South Karelia Employment Area
Student welfare services in pre-primary and basic education
The website of the city of Lappeenranta
Upper comprehensive schools on a map