Service location

Myllysaari public outdoor swimming pool’s ice swimming hole

The fee for the use of the Myllysaari swimming facility’s ice swimming hole in the 2024–2025 season is €25. The fee covers the winter maintenance costs of the ice swimming hole.

You can pay by bank transfer to the City of Lappeenranta, account number: FI16 5620 0920 0036 95. In the bank transfer, enter “3030 2519 2424 310 Avantouinti” in the message field. Instructions for bank transfer can also be found in the changing rooms of the Myllysaari ice swimming hole.

You can purchase a key for the heated changing room from Certego Oy at Myllymäenkatu 25, 53550 Lappeenranta. The price of the key is €8. After purchasing the key, winter swimmers can use the ice swimming hole at any time from autumn to spring. Previously purchased keys already in use are still valid. In summer, the key does not allow access to the changing rooms, as they are in public use of the public outdoor swimming pool in summer.

The Sports Department is responsible for the safety of the Myllysaari ice swimming hole. If the water level rises so high that the water may pose a safety hazard, the ice swimming hole will be closed.

In winter, the public toilet is located between the swimming facility’s parking area and the lakeside sauna. The toilet is open daily at 9.00–21.00 and the door mechanism accepts 50 cent coins.

Visiting information

Myllysaarenpolku 34
53100 Lappeenranta
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Other contact details


  • Kunnossapito +358 406372715 (local/mobile network fee)

    Charges for calling this telephone number are:

    • calls from a landline phone: standard local network rate.
    • calls from a mobile phone: standard mobile rate.
    • calls from outside Finland: international rate as applicable.

    The actual cost depends on your operator.

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