
More Summer Activities 2024

LappeenrantaFI/Kulttuuri ja liikunta/Liikunta/Kuvat/Helle Myllysaaressa.jpg


Swimming and beach life


Swimming halls during the summer months

The city swimming hall (Pohjolankatu 29) is open until 28.6,
Lauritsala swimming hall (Luukkaankatu 51) is closed 27.5.–30.6
Lauritsala swimming hall is open from 1.7, The city swimming hall is closed 1.7.–11.8.
The swimming halls are closed on weekends during the summertime

Please note the opening hours during the summertime:


  • Mon, Wed, Thu 6-20
  • Tue 12-20
  • Fri 6-14
  • Sat, Sun closed

Ticket sales end 45 minutes and swimming time 30 minutes before the swimming hall closes. Swimming time 2 hours.

Beach life 

All public beaches are free of charge. The following are suitable for beginners and children:

  • Ahvenlampi beach, Joutseno, Hongistontie 5
  • Korkkitehtaa beach, Marssitie 5
  • Mattila beach , Marssitie 5
  • Murheistenranta beach, Sirkkelimiehenkatu 10
  • Myllysaari beach (by the playing field) Myllysaarenpolku 12
  • Huhtiniemi beach (Kuusimäen ranta) Huhtiniemenkatu 8 b
  • Please note! Sammonlahti  beach, Rantaniitynkatu 35 a, is closed due to unhealthy  quality of the water (3.6.)

Please always swim in shallow water and along the shore if you are a beginner.
It´s also always recommended to have somebody with you while you are in the water.
The water can suddenly get very deep also on beaches that seem shallow.
Children are always to be supervised when they are on the beach or in the water.  
A lifeguard is present but parental supervision is always required.

If you see a sign ”sinilevää vedessä”, that means cyanobacteria are present and you should not enter the water.
If there is thunder and lightning, it is also unsafe to be in the water.

Beach volleyball

Myllysaari beach, Myllysaarenpolku 37. 
Sammonlahti beach, Rantaniitynkatu 35 a.
The beach volleyball fields can be used all summer for free and without registration.
Especially in the evening it´s usually easy to find play partners.
You have to bring a ball of your own. 


The Sports Department is in charge of the maintenance of the tennis courts, but the reservations are run by the tennis club  Lappeenrannan Tennisseura ry
Link for user registration and reservation   Ajanvaraus (ltsvaraus.com)
Reservation fee 5,20 €/h ( until 25.8) by  MobilePay (98455)
The tarmac courts can be used for free if there is no reservation.
Contact by phone: p. 040 3236811

Kourulan tenniskenttä
Karankokatu 9
Lappeenranta (paikkatietoikkuna.fi)

Joutsenon tenniskenttä
Penttiläntie 17
Lappeenranta (paikkatietoikkuna.fi)

Kimpisen tenniskentät
Maaherrankatu 16
Lappeenranta (paikkatietoikkuna.fi)
The tarmac courts can be used for free if there is no reservation, but the clay courts always have to be reserved.
Clay courts:  16,64 €/h, tarmac courts 5,20 €/h


Yliopistonkatu 30
Lappeenranta (paikkatietoikkuna.fi)
The Sports Department is in charge of the maintenance of the tennis courts, but the reservations are run by the tennis club  Lappeenrannan Tennisseura ry
Link for user registration and reservation:   Ajanvaraus (ltsvaraus.com) until 30.9
Reservation fee 8,32€/h, MobilePay (98455)
The courts can be used for free if there is no reservation.
Contact by phone: 046-8852604 if you need a racket, a game partner or have other questions.

Explore nature on your own or in a group


Nature spots , routes for hiking, biking or kayaking

Please check EKVAS


Clubs and societies  for nature activities

Saimaan Latu
Kayaking every Tuesday at 6 pm. Registration and fee:students 7€/person, others 15€/person.
Also kayak rentals. For questions and registration, please contact  Pekka Rossi: 040-5457329, pekka.j.rossi@gmail.com

Lappeenrannan soutajat, rowing 
Churchboat rowing  every Wednesday at 6 pm. Registration, fee: 5€/person.
For questions and registration, please contact lappeenrannan.soutajat@gmail.com or p.044-9792595

Companies for rentals and nature tours

Saimaan Palju  
Fat bikes, sup boards, nature tours..

Drakkar Sport
Bikes, sup boards, kayaks..

Retki Saimaa
Hiking equipment, activities and tours